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We Need Cheddah!!! I.E. $$$$$
by Paul Fuentes in

There are 23K + voters registered in Berwyn.  This past election, 986 voters voted Republian in the primary and 2800+ voters voted Republican in the General election. 

Looking at the data, there are about 2000 solid Republicans in Berwyn.  Out of that group. I am willing to bet that less than 1% willing to respond to being part of a new Republican organization.  So about 200. 

Here is the skinny.  It would take 2000 mailers to try to build an organization of 50 to 100 peeps.  That's just the way it is.  So we need to raise $1000 to do a 2000 voter mailer. 

Please help.

We cannot do it all without you.

Paul Fuentes


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