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Seizing the Internet: The Next Step
by Paul Fuentes in

During the brief tenure of our President elect, we have seen some disturbing trends in Democrat attempts to limit free speech. First, the Obama administration sought a way to silence contrarian talk radio by implementing new FCC rules.  That effort was followed by Obama trying to find a legislative method of countering the Supreme Court's striking down a law that limited campaign spending by corporations, with no equal limit of unions..ESPECIALLY government emplyee unions.  Enter the "Disclose Act" which almost passed this year.  The act was specifically targeted at exposing corporate donors, while simultaneously hiding union donors.  Now the latest.  There is a move afoot to implement "Net Neutrality".  What does this mean?  That, if implemented, you would not have the same access to sites like Pajama Media, Fox News, and other conservative internet sites.

Never before have I witnessed ANY presidential administration make such bold moves to silence criticism and opposition.  Reagan did not do it. Clinton did not do it.  Bush (Sr. and Jr.) sis not do it.  These acts are unprecendted, unless of course, we compare them to the reign of Hugo Chavez, the Red Chinese, or Cuba.

Remember folks, liberty is rarely lost as a culmination of one big event or act.  It is most often lost as a culmination of dozens or hundreds of little steps.  We are seeing those little steps being taken like a game of leap frog where the ultimate loser will be YOU.

You need to stay focused and you need to pay attention.  Otherwise, when you wake from your dormant stupor you might find the world you face much different than the one you remembered.

Nuff Said


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