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Do We Need a New RNC Chair?
by Paul Fuentes in

I think so.  Although Michael Steele seems to want to take credit for the Republican victories in Congress in the midterm elections, I have a different view.  Correct me if I'm wrong, Steele seemed to shun tea party favorite candidates until the numbers showed almost a sure victory.  In the last days of the Senatorial campaign in Alaska, Steele pulled all funding from Joe Miller, favoring Lisa Murkowski.  Locally, time will tell how much the RNC supported the Congressional candidates in Illinois. 

I will admit I supported Steele in 2008 to be the RNC's new chairman.  But, through his resume, I expected a far better showing in terms of fundraising and developing a somewhat sustainable ground game.  I say "somewhat sustainable" because the reality is that Republicans will never have the resources entrenched unions can provide.

Once again, the message the RNC misses, as do the state and county GOP parties, is that you do not need an Army the size of AFSCME or SEIU to compete.  A few well placed locally known operatives in precincts can do wonders.  I will take ONE individual who knows his neighbors, their kids, leads a boy scout or PTA group, over an outsider sent from SEIU in ANY precinct.  Familiarity works wonders.  However, before we can succede, we will need a coordinated top/down, east to west coordinated drive to id Republican voters and turn them out on election day...i.e....Rove's 72 hour plan used effectivly in the 2000 and 2004 elections.

I could dig into Steele some more, but I rather not dwell on the past, but the opportunity of the future.

Paul Fuentes


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