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Senate Bill 600
by Paul Fuentes in

Since 2005, a few Republican elected officials, and thousands of constituents, have wanted a change in how state Republican central committemen are elected. We were once enfranchised with the ability to elect our central committeemen, just as voters elect their Democratic central committemen now.
As it stands now, committeemen vote for the state central committeemen, not our voters. And, for the last 5 years, the Republican leadership in the state house (Tom Double-Cross) has insured the bill just lies in committee and does not come to a vote in any session other than a veto session. To understands the reasons why, the following should lend some guidance:

What could be so wrong about forcing those who desire to serve in a position within the Republican party that slates candidates and sets policy, to convince us that they deserve our vote?

5 years and we're still waiting?!?! I'll post more on this subject when the time is right (not during this veto session when we'll need 75 votes, rather than 60).


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