I guess that would be true if, and only if, that question was dissected and researched enough where eventually anyone with a single functioning neural cell would conclude Democrats only care about minorities as far as their tally of votes on election day. Let us look at the Democrat record with African-Americans. Before the "great" social programs, the out-of-wedlock birthrate amongst African-Americans was below 30%. Now, it is well over 70%. 12% of the American population is African-American, yet over 50% of the population in American jails are African-American. This is no surprise, as the biggest single factor in predicting criminal behavior is the absence of a father figure. Are African-Americans concentrated in metropolitan areas like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia better off today after nearly a half century of total Democrat control??
Yet, they almost always vote 90% + for whatever Democratic candidate is on the ticket. Why? Simple answer: They are now subservient to a new master...the Government. The plantation owner has been supplanted by the G as far as providing food, housing, education, health care, and other perks paid from funds confiscated from another citizen's pocket. This is the same plan Democrats have for Hispanics. Give them amnesty, offer them free government programs...etc..! But if one looks at the Hispanic "hoods", what do you find? Spanish Harlem is still Spanish Harlem, East L.A. is still East L.A., Little Village and Pilsen remain the same. Crime riddled, graffiti vandalized neighborhoods where voter participation still remains lowest on radar; Hispanics boast the highest drop-out rates nationwide; single mom households are on the rise; and, Hispanic dependence on government grows day by day. Nice job of leading us to new heights Democrats!!!
Although Obama wants to boast about the appointment of Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, it was Obama and his Dem party that blocked George Bush's attempts to appoint Miguel Miranda to the Supreme Court as the first Hispanic to serve on that branch of government. And trust me, Miranda's legal intellect far exceeds that of Sotomayor. The problem was that the Democrats just could not let a Republican president be the first to appoint a Hispanic to the nation's highest court. So they blocked the appointment to keep it their eventual own act.
I've been involved in politics for over 30 years. And the biggest difference between the the Reps and the Dems is that the Dems always wanted you to go with the "program". It didn't matter that they just hired an ex-convict (Kean) to redraw the ward maps of the city of Chicago, splitting the Hispanic and Black constituencies into multiple wards so that they NOT elect one of their own. It did not matter that after 6 years of a federal court fight, wherein the courts found the redrawing of the wards unconstitutional, I was still expected to support the "guy" who did not give a shit about the 25th Ward. That was the "program".
Once I switched to the Republicans, it became far more simple. Do the work, and you will succeed. Everything is based on your own ability to get something done. If you fail, if you succeed....you know, they know, and the results are proportional to where you fall between the two. It is not always what you hoe for, but it is alwats fair.
I'm glad some of my peeps went through the Red Party and found success that we just do not see with the Blue Party.
Nuff Said,
Paul Fuentes
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