Welcome to the Berwyn GOP. This organization was created following the Mid-Term general election of 2010. After a bruising campaign cycle this year, all efforts to work in cooperation with the Berwyn Township Regular Republican Organization ceased. In every election since the 2006 primary, the "Regular" Republican Committeman filed non-participation reports with the State of Illinois Board of Elections. This new organization will participate in and work every partisan election, as it should.
We are no strangers to working elections. Since 2006, almost every sign you saw supporting Republican candidates along the avenues of Berwyn, or at the polling place on election day morning, were attributable to our efforts. Also, since 2006, almost every piece of literature you had dropped at your home were virtue of our efforts. It was our small handful of volunteers that introduced the plastic doorknob bags some of you may be familiar with. Moreover, we did this at our own expense. We were not reimbursed by any candidate or committee. We did this because we believed in having a Republican presence in an otherwise "Blue" Township.
Join us in acheving this goal. We cannot succeed if everyone sits at home and hopes and waits someone else will do the work that needs to be done. Relying on others is just not enough if we are to effect the changes we are hoping for.
Paul Fuentes