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Reagan Must Have Been a Psychic!!!
by Paul Fuentes in

Today, I heard the following speech in its entirety for the first time.  Yes, I had heard bits and pieces played by radio pundits before.  However, hearing the entire context brought upon me an eerie feeling that the passage of  Obamacare was worse than what we perceive.

Some key points in the speech are:

* In 1927, Norman Thomas, a leader of the American Socialist Party encouraged changing labels of Socialism to Liberalism.  He acknowledged that anything labeled Socialist would never be accepted by the American electorate, but labeling it as "Liberal" would ensure that American society would accept it.  Let's not forget that the new term is "Progressive".

* The speech was delivered in 1961, just about a half century ago.  Think about that.  Almost 50 years ago.   Yet the same issues, the same player (UAW) are key today.

*  In 1961, according to Reagan, the federal government was involved in or controlling almost 20% of the GDP of the nation.  What has changed?  USA owns GM, Chrysler, AIG, and various other institutions.  The UAW is well and good thanks to Obama's takeover of GM and Chrysler.

*Using healthcare was a tool to let the G gain a foot in the doorway to bully their way in and take control of many other aspects of our lives.

*VERY IMPORTANT:  Create a national emergency/crisis where NONE exists.  That is exactly what Obama did.  Describe the health care issue as a life or death issue, then slam it down our throats.  What did Emmanuel Say:  Never let a crisis go to waste...

I'll let you decide on your own:


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