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Sorry For The Interruption
by Paul Fuentes in

I am a Golf addict.  Problem is there no methadone to quell the withdrawal pains of not being on a course.  Chicago is no golf mecca.  Greens covered with snow or frozen soil does not lend me solace in trying to perfect the most demanding sport I've ever experienced, bar none.  Baseball, guard the third base line, play the ball in front of you, and through accurately to first base.  Football, your head has to be on a swivel.  Respect your lanes, honor your assignments, and you "might" be succesful.  But at all times maintain your balance (hips low, knees and ankles flexible).

That said, the following guy is my favorite golfer, bar none.  I'll explain why later.  For now, enjoy swing perfection:

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Only In America!!!
by Paul Fuentes in

We all know the political infrastructure in countries like Cuba, China, and Venezuela leave alot to be desired.  Although they all profess to promote some type of equality across all socio-economic strata, the reality for all is that those who are part of the totalitarian governments are the ones with resources, or access to resources.  All others are, what we would define in our country as, poor.  There is no middle class.

Is our country that much better?  If your answer is yes, then you must believe people in the middle class are better off than those barely making minimum wage, correct?  Well, the following article will open your eyes as to the effects of how liberal policies have leveled the playing field.  The policies are those that always go under the radar, those issues many of you are just "too busy" to pay attention to.  After all, you mid class peeps have demanding jobs, kids, and other obligations that just makes it "too cumbersome" to pay attention to politics, and hence you make your vote based on a 30 second blip that occurs in the middle of what's really important to you, such as Oprah, Dancing With The Stars, or American Idol.

Well, look at the following and see how you're getting screwed:
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Obama's Energy Policy
by Paul Fuentes in

In recent days, the Obama administration simultaneously increased threats to our national security and cost our economy millions of jobs and trillions in GDP.  First, it decided to cede control of one our scarce uranium mines to Russia.  I guess Putin is promising the uranium harvested will not be used to develop nuclear weapons.

In yet another brilliant decision, the Obama administration imposed a 7 year ban on drilling for oil on the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. 
The administration cited the BP oil spill crisis as the reason for its decision.  Yes, the same crisis the administration prolonged by not doing anything for nearly a month, and then allowing entry into the Gulf of vessels from other countries offering assistance in the clean up.  Department of Interior Secretary cites the BP oils spill as "one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history."  Question is, where is the oil now, and why haven't we heard of all the lingering after effects?  That is, except for the lingering unemployment in the Southeastern United States where many depended on oil industry.  Economist Joseph Mason estimates the Obama decision to ban drilling will cost the country millions of jobs, and trillions in lost GDP.

Putin 1  Obama 0
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Sometimes It's Just Too Much!!!
by Paul Fuentes in

As a golf addict, I came across the following article. It depicts how someone born a man, had a career as a police officer, suddenly decided he wanted to be a woman.  But it doesn't end there, as he also decided he ,or he/she, is entitled to play in LPGA (Ladies Pro Golfers Association) tournaments.  Why?  Because he/she feels it is his/her right!

Even in an age of "political correctness", how is it politically correct that an individual born with testes (which produce testosterone, a critical component of both muscle and bone mass growth) can be allowed to suddenly decide he wants to compete in an athletic arena reserved for women?   And how absurd is it for the LPGA to cave in to the wants and desires of one individual, when it's charter dictates a fiduciary duty to a all the rest of the "true" gendered women golfers.  How does the LPGA decide that they have to cowtow to one whose gender is at least a question, while ignoring 99.9% of it's membership that are, in fact, women.

This is a shameful cave-in by the LPGA.  Where does it stop?  Allowing a 50+ year transgender is one thing.  But if that decision opens the door to teen transgendersr, 20 year old transgenders, 30 year
 old transgenders...etc. All of a sudden thoe stats will start to skew, and decidedly in favor of former dudes and against real women.  You just cannot fight genetics and hormonal advantages when men who were born men compete against women  who were born women.

Why the fuss?  Golf is quite a unique sport for women, wherein many juvenile athletes pursaue the sport as a way to gain scholarship opportunities to major universities, opportunities usually set aside for men ompeting in major sports such as football, basketball, and baseball.  Outside the aforementioned money sports, the scholarships available to all individuals is quite limited, and this fact is especially true for women athletes.  The revenue afforded women sports just does not compare.  So to allow a redefining of what constitutes a "woman" based on one rogue plaintiff's desires is tantamount to shifting the entire structure of a sport that effects women athletes from junior to professional level. 

The LPGA's decision cannot stand unchallenged,  What is next?   The author of this posting all of a sudden decides he wants unrestricted access to competition and, more importantly, shower rights to the women's figure skating team?

As Ralph Kramden would say....Hardy, Har, Har

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